Delraich.jpg (29686 bytes) Name: Delraich Rockwell
Age: 84
Species: Onix
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Benestak

This towering stone reptile does not have the nickname "Ol' Hard-Ass"
for nothing. As a Lieutenant-General, Delraich flaunts his rank whenever
possible. He is as stubborn as his nickname would suggest and completely
refuses to compromise. He demands full obedience from those he outranks and
is unforgiving of even the least insubordination. The majority of the
Benestak soldiers fear Delraich too much to even think of incurring his

Delraich's ferocity and stubbornness is mostly an act, however. While
he is young for his species and is fully as strong as he looks (if not
stronger), Delraich is not particularly skilled in combat. He is really
quite a coward, and climbed the Benestak ladder through intimidation alone.